Nuevo Vallarta Nayarit Mexico 11-18 December 2022
Please complete the following information about your proposed presentation in a PDF document. Submission will be accepted until November 11th. Presentation Title (Times New Roman, 12Pt) Names of author(s), e.g. First author, Second author, third author (Times New Roman, 8pt) First author affiliation, Organisation, City, Country (Times New Roman, 8pt) Second author affiliation, Organisation, City, Country (Times New Roman, 8pt) Third author affiliation, Organisation, City, Country (Times New Roman, 8pt)*Corresponding author. Tel.: +00-000-000, Fax: +00-000-000 (Times New Roman, 8pt) E-mail address: Important notes: Please write author names as <First name in full><Last name in full> e.g. Marcela Torres Please underline the name of the author who will make the presentation e.g. Marcela Torres Please save the file as: “Presenter name”_abstract.docx Keywords: Type your keywords here, separated by semicolons, provide a maximum of 6 keywords (Time New Roman, 9 pt) Abstract: (Time New Roman, 9 pt) Text The main text of the abstract must be single line spaced, typed in Times New Roman 9 points and in English, and should not exceed 250 words (not including the title, authors, affiliations and keywords) with a one-column format. The abstract should include information regarding the rationale and objective of the work,brief information about the approach/methodology followed, and main results and conclusions. Tables, graphs or figures are not allowed. |